domestic dog

美 [dəˈmestɪk dɔːɡ]英 [dəˈmestɪk dɒɡ]
  • 网络家犬
domestic dogdomestic dog


a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times;occurs in many breeds
the dog barked all night
Synonym: dog Canis familiaris


  1. The likely ancestors of the domestic dog date from more than 30,000 years ago .


  2. Domestic dog and cat were not the animals naturally infected with E. multilocularis ( 0 / 385 ) .


  3. Objective To study the domestic dog chromosome abnormalities by karyotyping .


  4. The suggestion that the domestic dog originated in East Asia has been challenged .


  5. Preventing ­ human rabies through control of domestic dog rabies is a realistic goal for large parts of Africa and Asia .


  6. so we never see a mitochondrial signature of saying An african wild dog , jackal or coyote in a domestic dog .


  7. The morphology of the skull and teeth of ten wolves from the northeastern region of China was studied and compared with that of big domestic dog .


  8. So the analysis of the most archaic extant domestic dog breeds in the world at present will be an effective method to reveal the region and time of domestic dog origin .


  9. ON A snowy trail that cuts around the trees is a neat line of paw prints which look as though they were made by a domestic dog .


  10. The position of Canis lupus variabilis , from zhoukoudian , in the ancestral lineage of the domestic dog , Canis familiaris


  11. Objective To discuss curative effect of druggery and liquid nitrogen Cryotherapy in treating nodus-type damage on one 's face due to the first domestic dog m pachy dermats ( MP ) .


  12. Methods HEV antibodies in serum samples obtained from swine , sleuth , domestic dog , pet dog , goat , chicken , duck , pigeon and rabbit were tested by a double-antigen sandwich ELISA ( DS-ELISA ) which was established using HEV multiple-genotype recombinant antigens .


  13. The result indicated that using the two-sided arteria carotis communis anterior ligation anaesthesia method to observe the gastric motility in domestic rabbit and dog is a relative good method in the surgery condition .
